VA Loans With Charge-Offs

VA Loans With Charge-Offs

In this blog we will discuss about VA loans with charge-offs. Veterans Affairs (VA) loans have consistently served as a pillar of assistance for veterans and active-duty service members aiming to realize their dream of owning a home. However, securing a VA loan can be challenging, particularly for those with charge-offs on their credit reports. Charge-offs, when a creditor writes off a debt as unlikely to be collected, can significantly impact an individual’s creditworthiness. Nevertheless, veterans with charge-offs still have options for obtaining a VA loan. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of VA loans with charge-offs, providing valuable insights, tips, and strategies for navigating this process effectively.

Learn more about VA loans with charge-offs with us. Click here!

Understanding VA Loans:

Before delving into VA loans with charge-offs, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of VA loans themselves. VA loans are home loans that are backed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, providing a guarantee for eligible borrowers. Offering favorable terms and conditions to eligible veterans, active-duty service members and certain spouses.

Key benefits of VA loans include no down payment requirements, competitive interest rates, and relaxed credit score standards compared to conventional loans.

What Are Charge-Offs?

Charge-offs occur when a creditor deems a debt uncollectible and writes it off as a loss. This action typically transpires after a prolonged period of non-payment by the borrower. While charge-offs signal financial distress and can significantly impact credit scores, they don’t absolve the borrower of their obligation to debt repayment obligation. The creditor may pursue collection efforts through internal means or third-party debt collectors.

Impact of Charge-Offs on Credit:

Charge-offs have a detrimental effect on credit scores, as they indicate a failure to fulfill financial obligations. They can remain on credit reports for up to seven years from the initial delinquency, often impairing creditworthiness during that period. Moreover, even if the debt is paid off, the charge-off status may persist on the credit report, albeit with a notation indicating that it has been satisfied.

VA Loan Eligibility and Charge-Offs:

Despite charge-offs on a credit report, veterans may still be eligible for VA loans. VA loan eligibility primarily depends on military service history, discharge status, and length of service rather than credit score alone. However, lenders may impose additional requirements and restrictions for borrowers with charge-offs, necessitating a more nuanced approach to the loan application process.

Factors Influencing Approval of VA Loans with Charge-Offs:

Several factors come into play when seeking VA loan approval with charge-offs:

  1. Severity and Frequency of Charge-Offs: Lenders assess the number and severity of charge-offs on an applicant’s credit report. Multiple charge-offs and high-dollar amounts may raise concerns about the borrower’s financial stability and ability to repay the loan.
  2. Recency of Charge-Offs: Recent charge-offs carry more weight in the loan approval process, indicating more recent financial difficulties. Lenders may be more lenient toward older charge-offs, especially if the borrower has demonstrated responsible financial behavior since then.
  3. Credit Score: Despite VA loans having more relaxed credit score criteria compared to conventional loans, a superior credit score can mitigate the effects of charge-offs. Borrower with higher credit scores are viewed as less risky, potentially enabling them to secure more advantageous loan terms even with charge-offs on their record.
  4. Compensating Factors: Lenders may consider compensating factors such as stable employment history, sufficient income, and minimal debt-to-income ratio to offset the risk associated with charge-offs. Strong compensating factors can strengthen the borrower’s case for loan approval.

Pros and cons of VA Loans with Charge-offs


  • Access to Homeownership: VA loans offer veterans and active-duty service members the chance to fulfill their aspirations of owning a home, even if they have charge-offs on their credit report.
  • Flexible Credit Requirements: VA loans generally feature less stringent credit score criteria in contrast to conventional loans, thereby enhancing accessibility for borrowers with less-than-perfect credit histories, including those with charge-offs.
  • Competitive Interest Rates: VA loans frequently provide competitive interest rates, potentially leading to reduced monthly mortgage payments relative to alternative loan choices.
  • No Down Payment Requirement: A notable benefit of VA loan is the option to buy a home without making a down payment, eliminating the need for a large upfront cash outlay.
  • No Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI): In contrast to conventional loans, VA loans do not necessitate private mortgage insurance (PMI), which can result in additional savings for borrowers.


  • Impact on Credit Score: While VA loans may be accessible to borrowers with charge-offs, the presence of these derogatory marks can still negatively impact credit scores, potentially resulting in higher interest rates and less favorable loan terms.
  • Limited Lender Options: Some lenders may be hesitant to approve VA loans for borrowers with charge-offs, resulting in a narrower range of available lenders and potentially higher borrowing costs.
  • Additional Documentation Requirements: Borrowers with charge-offs may be required to provide additional documentation and explanations to lenders, which can prolong the loan application process and add complexity to the transaction.
  • Higher Interest Rates: Borrowers with charge-offs may face higher interest rates compared to those with pristine credit histories, resulting in increased long-term borrowing costs.
  • Potential for Loan Denial: In some cases, borrowers with significant charge-offs or recent derogatory marks may be denied a VA loan altogether, limiting their ability to access this beneficial homeownership program.

Click here to get qualify for VA loans with charge-offs 

Strategies for Obtaining VA Loans with Charge-Offs:

VA Collections Mortgage Guidelines Versus Lender Overlays

Navigating the process of VA loans with charge-offs requires a proactive approach and careful planning. Here are some strategies to improve your chances of obtaining VA loans with charge-offs:

  • Review and Dispute Inaccuracies: Acquire a copy of your credit report from (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion), the three primary credit reporting agencies and meticulously examine it for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies. If you identify any errors related to charge-offs, dispute them with the respective credit bureaus to have them corrected or removed from your report.
  • Pay Off Outstanding Debts: While charge-offs may remain on your credit report even after repayment, paying off outstanding debts demonstrates financial responsibility and may improve your creditworthiness in the eyes of lenders. Prioritize paying off any outstanding debts, especially those with recent charge-offs, to mitigate their impact on your credit profile.
  • Establish a Positive Payment History: Regularly ensuring timely payments on existing debts can help rebuild your credit and offset the negative impact of charge-offs. Focus on maintaining a positive payment history by paying bills on time and in full, demonstrating your ability to manage credit responsibly.
  • Manage credit plantation and Documentation: When applying for a VA loan, be prepared to explain the circumstances surrounding the charge-offs. Whether they resulted from temporary financial hardship, medical issues, or other extenuating circumstances, providing a compelling explanation can help lenders understand your situation better. Additionally, gather documentation such as letters of explanation, proof of payment, or documentation of resolved disputes to support your case.
  • Work with Experienced VA Loan Lenders: Seek out lenders with experience handling VA loans, especially those involving applicants with charge-offs. Experienced lenders are familiar with the nuances of VA loan guidelines. They may be more willing to work with borrowers with less-than-perfect credit histories.
  • Consider Credit Repair Services: If you’re struggling to improve your credit on your own, consider enlisting the help of reputable credit repair services. These organizations can help identify areas for improvement, dispute inaccuracies on your credit report, and guide you in rebuilding your credit over time.
  • Explore Alternative Loan Options: If obtaining a VA loan proves challenging due to charge-offs, consider exploring alternative loan options such as FHA or conventional loans backed by private lenders. While these loans may have stricter credit requirements and higher down payment obligations, they can provide an alternative path to homeownership.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is it possible to obtain VA loans with charge-offs present on my credit report?
    Yes, VA loans are still possible with charge-offs, though it may affect approval and terms.
  2. Will charge-offs affect my VA loan eligibility?
    Charge-offs can impact eligibility, but they’re not an automatic disqualifier.
  3. Do I need to pay off charge-offs to qualify for a VA loan?
    Not necessarily, but lenders may require payment or a plan to address outstanding debts.
  4. How do charge-offs impact my VA loan application?
    Charge-offs could result in a higher interest rate or require compensating factors for approval.
  5. Can I dispute charge-offs on my credit report for a VA loan?
    Yes, disputing inaccuracies can potentially improve your credit profile for VA loan approval.
  6. What documentation do I need regarding charge-offs for a VA loan?
    Prepare documents detailing the circumstances of the charge-offs and any efforts to resolve them.
  7. Are there specific guidelines for VA loans with charge-offs?
    Lenders follow VA guidelines but may have additional requirements regarding charge-offs.
  8. How long do charge-offs stay on my credit report for a VA loan?
    Typically, charge-offs remain on credit reports for seven years, but their impact diminishes over time.
  9. Would I remain eligible for a VA loan even with recent instances of charge-offs on my credit record?
    Recent charge-offs may pose challenges, but improving credit behavior can enhance eligibility over time.

Talk top us about how to qualify for VA loans with charge-offs 

Securing VA loans with charge-offs presents unique challenges, but it’s a manageable obstacle. Understanding the impact of charge-offs on credit, leveraging strategies to improve creditworthiness, and working with experienced lender, veterans, and active-duty service members can increase their chances of obtaining a VA loan despite past financial difficulties. With determination, perseverance, and careful planning, homeownership remains within reach for those who have served our country with honor and sacrifice.

Gustan Cho Associates are experts when it comes to VA loans with charge-offs. Call us now at 800-900-8569 or text us for a faster response. You can also email us at Our expert Loan Officers are available even during weekends and holidays!