How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment

How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment

This guide is about how to get mortgage approved with judgment.  Judgments are one of the worst things you can have on your credit report.  Most creditors are reluctant in granting credit to loan applicants who have unsatisfied judgments.  A judgment creditor can enforce a civil judgment by garnishing wages or attaching liens to assets. However, most judgment creditors do not enforce their judgment because it is time-consuming and costly. In the following sections, we will cover how to get mortgage approved with judgment.

How to Get Mortgage Approved with a Judgment?
Securing a mortgage with a judgment against you can be challenging but not impossible. A judgment, a court order mandating the payment of a debt, can significantly impact your credit score and overall financial profile. However, with careful planning and strategic actions, you can improve your chances of mortgage approval.
Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this process:
  1. Understand the Judgment
    A judgment occurs when a court rules that you owe money to a creditor. t results from a lawsuit and is recorded on your credit history, negatively affecting your credit score. Knowing the details of the judgment, such as the amount owed and the date it was filed, is the first step toward addressing it.
  2. Assess Your Credit Report
    Before applying for a mortgage:
    – Obtain a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).
    – Review the report for accuracy and ensure that all debts, including the judgment, are correctly reported.
    – Dispute any errors you find, as correcting them can improve your credit score.
  3. Pay Off the Judgment
    Pay off the judgment in full. This is the most straightforward way to enhance your creditworthiness. Once the judgment is satisfied, request a “Satisfaction of Judgment” document from the creditor and ensure it is recorded with the court and reported to the credit bureaus.
  4. Set Up a Payment Plan
    If you cannot fully pay off the judgment, negotiate a payment plan with the creditor. Consistent payments demonstrate your commitment to resolving the debt. Obtain documentation of the payment agreement and keep records of all payments made. Lenders will look favorably on borrowers who are actively addressing their debts.
  5. Improve Your Credit Profile
    In addition to dealing with the judgment, work on improving other aspects of your credit profile:
    – Reduce Debt: Pay down other debts to lower your debt-to-income ratio.
    – Make Timely Payments: Pay all other bills and debts on time to avoid additional negative marks on your credit report.
    – Increase Savings: Save as much as possible for a down payment. A high down payment can improve your chances of mortgage approval.
  6. Provide Thorough Documentation
    When applying for a mortgage, be ready to provide extensive documentation to the lender. This includes:
    – Proof of payment or a payment plan for the judgment
    – Bank statements showing consistent payments
    – Letters from the creditor confirming the status of the judgment
  7. Consider FHA Loans
    FHA loans are often easier for borrowers with lower credit scores and past financial issues. FHA guidelines allow for judgments as long as you can show that you are actively paying or have satisfied the judgment.
  8. Consult with a Financial Advisor
    Working with a financial advisor or credit counselor can help you create a plan to address the judgment and improve your financial health. They can give personalized advice and strategies to boost your credit score and financial profile.
  9. Shop Around for Lenders
    Lenders vary in their requirements and risk tolerance. Shop around and speak with multiple lenders to find one willing to work with borrowers with judgments. A mortgage broker can also help you find suitable lenders.
  10. Explain Your Situation
    When applying for a mortgage, provide a letter of explanation detailing the circumstances that led to the judgment and the steps you have taken to resolve it. Lenders might be more inclined to accept your application if they comprehend the context and recognize your dedication to financial responsibility.

How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment Without Paying Judgment Creditor

We will go over how to get mortgage approved with judgment without having to pay the judgment creditor. You cannot get a mortgage approval if you have an outstanding judgment and do not do anything about it. You will need to address the judgment by either paying the judgment, getting the judgment vacated, or entering into a written payment agreement with the judgment creditor.  Get approvable for mortgage with judgment without paying judgment creditor

How Do You Get Judgments?

Judgments just do not happen overnight. It is creditors who pursue people owing them money.  A lot of collection accounts can turn into judgments. If the creditor realizes that you have assets or income, they can pursue suing debtors in court in hopes of getting a judgment awarded in their favor.

In order for a judgment creditor to be successful in collecting anything from a judgment debtor, the judgment debtor needs to have assets.

If the judgment debtor does not have any assets, the judgment debtor is judgment proof, which means that the judgment creditor cannot do anything to collect on the judgment.  Most states have strict laws that protect judgment debtors.

How Can I Get Rid of a Judgment?

Four ways to get rid of a civil unsatisfied judgment.  The first way is trying to get the judgment vacated.  If you were not served with the judgment the right way, you can appeal the judgment and see if you can get it vacated.  We will cover how to get a civil judgment vacated in future blogs.

Negotiating Judgment For Less Than Face Value

Another way of getting rid of an unsatisfied judgment is by negotiating with the judgment creditor on accepting a certain percentage of the judgment and settling it where you have no more liability on the judgment.  Make sure you get a final payoff letter and a release so you can record the judgment as being totally satisfied.

Do Bankruptcy Vacate Judgments?

HUD Mortgage Guidelines on Prior Home Loan Included in Bankruptcy

The third way of getting rid of your unsatisfied judgment is by filing for bankruptcy.  Bankruptcies wipe out unsatisfied judgments and you will no longer have the outstanding liability if you include your unsatisfied judgment in your bankruptcy.  The fourth and final way of getting relieved from paying your unsatisfied judgment is by waiting out the statute of limitations.  Your judgment will remain on your credit report for a period of seven years.

Statute of Limitations on Judgments

In most states, judgments are good for ten years from the date the judgment was entered.  It depends on which state the judgment was entered.  Most states also give the judgment creditor an option to renew the judgment for another ten years.  For example, if you had a civil judgment entered in Florida ten years ago, the judgment creditor has an additional ten years after the original ten years where the statute of limitations has expired.  Many judgment creditors do not renew their judgments after the statute of limitations runs out.

How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment Without Filing Bankruptcy?

The answer to this question is YES!!!!  You can get a mortgage loan approval without filing for bankruptcy if you have unsatisfied judgments.  Most mortgage lenders do not like the idea you have unsatisfied judgments, however, if you have a payment agreement with the judgment creditor and have proof you have been making two continuous monthly payments to your judgment creditor, you will qualify for a mortgage loan in Illinois and Florida.  You need to provide the settlement agreement plus provide two months’ worth of canceled checks.  Click here for get approve for mortgage with judgment without filling bankruptcy

How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment With Lender With No Overlays

If you have an outstanding judgment, you do not have to pay the whole judgment amount to qualify for a mortgage. You can qualify a mortgage by entering into a written payment agreement with the judgment creditor. You need to make three timely payments to the judgment creditor. You cannot pay the full three months’ worth of payments all at once. The monthly payment to the judgment creditor needs to season for three months.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is a judgment?
    A judgment is a court order that mandates you to pay a debt. It typically results from a lawsuit in which you were found to owe money to a creditor.
  2. Can I get a mortgage if I have a judgment against me?
    Yes, getting a mortgage with a judgment is possible, but it can be more challenging. Lenders will scrutinize your credit history more closely, and you may need to take additional steps to demonstrate your creditworthiness.
  3. How does a judgment affect my credit score?
    A judgment can substantially lower your credit score, making it more difficult to qualify for a mortgage. The impact on your score depends on the amount of the judgment and your overall credit profile.
  4. What steps should I take to improve my chances of mortgage approval with a judgment?
    – Pay Off the Judgment: Pay off the judgment before applying for a mortgage. This demonstrates to lenders that you have resolved the debt.
    – Set Up a Payment Plan: If you can’t pay off the judgment in full, establish a payment plan with the creditor and make consistent payments.
    – Get Documentation: Obtain documentation showing that the judgment has been satisfied or that you are making regular payments as agreed.
    – Improve Your Credit: Work on improving other aspects of your credit profile, such as paying down other debts and making all payments on time.
  5. Will lenders consider my mortgage application with an unpaid judgment?
    Lenders may consider your application with an unpaid judgment, but it will depend on their specific policies. Some lenders may require the judgment to be paid in full, while others may accept a payment plan agreement.
  6. Do FHA loans allow for judgments?
    FHA loans may allow for judgments if certain conditions are met. You must either pay off the judgment or have a payment plan and provide documentation of the agreement and your payment history.
  7. How long does a judgment stay on my credit report?
    A judgment typically remains on your credit report for seven years, whether paid or unpaid, from the date it was filed.
  8. What if the judgment is incorrect or unjust?
    Suppose you believe the judgment is incorrect or unjust. In that case, you can dispute it with the credit bureaus and possibly have it removed from your credit report. You may need to provide evidence to support your dispute.
  9. Can I negotiate the amount of the judgment?
    Yes, in some cases, you can deal with the creditor to settle the judgment for a lower amount. Be sure to reach an agreement in writing.
    How does having a judgment compare to other negative marks on my credit report?
    A judgment is considered a severe negative mark, like a bankruptcy or foreclosure. It can substantially affect your credit score and your ability to obtain a mortgage.
  10. Should I work with a credit counselor or financial advisor?
    Working with a credit counselor or financial consultant can be beneficial. They can help you create a plan to address the judgment and improve your overall financial situation, increasing your chances of mortgage approval.
  11. What documentation will I need to provide to the lender?
    You will need to provide the lender with documentation such as:
    – Proof of payment or a payment plan agreement for the judgment
    – Bank statements showing consistent payments
    – Letters from the creditor confirming the status of the judgment

How To Get Mortgage Approved With Judgment Not Reporting on Credit Report

Any outstanding judgments not reporting on credit reports will get discovered when mortgage lenders do a third-party national public records search. It is important if you know you have judgments not showing on your credit report, to tell your loan officer. If you have outstanding judgments and need to purchase a home, please contact us at Gustan Cho Associates at (800) 900-8569. Text us for a faster response. Or email us at The team at GCA Mortgage Group is available 7 days a week, on evenings, weekends, and holidays.

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