Chapter 13 Mortgage Guidelines For FHA and VA Loans
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Chapter 13 Mortgage Guidelines For FHA and VA Loans

Apply Now In this article, we will cover Chapter 13 Mortgage Guidelines for FHA and VA loans. Both FHA and VA loans Chapter 13 Mortgage Guidelines are exactly the same. The only two traditional mortgage loan program that allow for manual underwriting are FHA and VA loans. The manual underwriting guidelines for FHA and VA…

Can I Get a Mortgage After Bankruptcy and Foreclosure

Can I Get a Mortgage After Bankruptcy and Foreclosure

This article covers buying a house and qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy and foreclosure. The mortgage industry underwent a major overhaul after the 2008 real estate and mortgage meltdown. The NMLS was created after implementing the SAFE Act and the New Banking Regulations. The Dodd-Frank Act was passed, and the mortgage industry would never…

Home Loan With Late Payments After Bankruptcy
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Home Loan With Late Payments After Bankruptcy

This article will discuss the steps of getting approved for a home loan with late payments after bankruptcy. Qualifying for a Home Loan With Late Payments After Bankruptcy will be difficult for many lenders. Gustan Cho Associates has helped countless folks with late payments after bankruptcy qualify for mortgage loans. The impact of the 2008…

HUD Chapter 13 Guidelines With Late Payments on FHA Loans
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HUD Chapter 13 Guidelines With Late Payments on FHA Loans

Apply Now This guide will cover the HUD Chapter 13 Guidelines with late payments on FHA loans. We will discuss qualifying for FHA loans during Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and whether you will be eligible for late payments.  Gustan Cho Associates are mortgage experts when it comes to guidelines surrounding bankruptcies. We offer all Conventional, FHA,…

Non-QM Loans One Day Out of Foreclosure and Bankruptcy
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Non-QM Loans One Day Out of Foreclosure and Bankruptcy

In this article, we will cover qualifying for non-QM loans one day out of foreclosure and bankruptcy. We will discuss how you can now qualify for a home mortgage after a foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, and short sale with no waiting period requirements. However, the down payment requirements is higher than the traditional…

Qualifying For Home Loan After Bankruptcy And Housing Event
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Qualifying For Home Loan After Bankruptcy And Housing Event

In this article, we will discuss and cover Qualifying For Home Loan After Bankruptcy And Housing Event. The journey to homeownership can be challenging, especially after experiencing a financial setback like bankruptcy or a significant housing event such as foreclosure or a short sale. However, it is important to know that all is not lost….

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Mortgage Included in Bankruptcy

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Mortgage Included in Bankruptcy

In this article, we will cover Fannie Mae guidelines on mortgage included in Bankruptcy. We will discuss what having a prior mortgage included in bankruptcy means for the waiting period requirements to qualify for a conventional loan. What is the waiting period start date? Is it the date of the housing event or the discharge…

FHA Loan After Foreclosure Waiting Period Requirements
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FHA Loan After Foreclosure Waiting Period Requirements

In this article, we will be covering qualifying for an FHA loan after foreclosure waiting period requirements. HUD, the parent of FHA, has mandatory waiting period requirements after a housing event. A housing event is a foreclosure, a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or a short sale. We will also cover other mortgage loan options…

Guidelines And Tips On Qualifying For Mortgage After Short Sale
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Guidelines And Tips On Qualifying For Mortgage After Short Sale

This Article On Guidelines And Tips On Qualifying For Mortgage After Short Sale Qualifying For Mortgage After Short Sale requires mandatory waiting period after short sale on government and conventional loans. Gustan Cho Associates has non-qm loans where there is no waiting period to qualify for mortgage after short sale. A short sale is when a…

Mortgage Guidelines With a Prior Home Loan In Bankruptcy

Mortgage Guidelines With a Prior Home Loan In Bankruptcy

In this blog, we will cover the mortgage guidelines with a prior home loan in bankruptcy. There are instances when people file bankruptcy but include their current home loan in bankruptcy. A frequently asked question is when does the waiting period start if you have a prior home loan in bankruptcy? Is it the discharged…

Buying a House in Alaska With Bad Credit and Low FICO Scores
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Buying a House in Alaska With Bad Credit and Low FICO Scores

This article will cover buying a house in Alaska with bad credit and low FICO credit scores. Are you looking to buy property in one of the most stunning landscapes with open wilderness in the United States and don’t mind the cold weather? If so, you should check out Alaska! Here is the thing, not…

Mortgage After Timeshare Foreclosure With No Waiting Period
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Mortgage After Timeshare Foreclosure With No Waiting Period

This article will cover getting approved for a mortgage after timeshare foreclosure with no waiting period requirements. A timeshare foreclosure is not a real estate foreclosure. Timeshare loans are classified as installment loans and NOT real estate loans. Therefore, there are no waiting period requirements after a timeshare foreclosure. Here are the points we will…